- Combinatorics (MAT8022), Southern University of Science and Technology,
Sping 2025.
- Linear Algebra (MA113, English Section), Southern University of Science and Technology,
Fall 2024 (11 students).
- Combinatorics (MAT8022), Southern University of Science and Technology,
Spring 2024 (13 students).
- Undergraduate Seminar: Linear Algebra in Extremal Combiantorics, Southern
University of Science and Technology,
Spring 2024 (3 undergaduate students, 2 PhD students).
- Capita Selecta in Galois Geometry, Ghent University, Spring 2023 (7 students, colecturer, 50%).
- Eindige Meetkunde (Finite Geometry), Ghent University, Spring 2022 (16 students, colecturer with circa 40%).
- Capita Selecta in de Meetkunde (Selected topics in Finite Geometry), Ghent University, Spring 2021 (4 students, colecturer, 50%).
- Eindige Meetkunde (Finite Geometry), Ghent University, Spring 2020 (3 students, colecturer with circa 40%).
- Calculus 2 (Math 111), University of Regina, Winter 2017 (ca. 20 students).
- Calculus 1 (Math 110), University of Regina, Fall 2016 (ca. 80 students).
My supervisions. As I did not had my own students so far,
I also list my informal roles as long as these are well-defined.
- Jonathan Mannaert, Master thesis, examiner (promotor: Leo Storme).
- Subproject on permutation groups in the Polymath Jr 2022 project on Ramsey numbers. Participants: Rowan McKee, Minh-Quan Vo, Timothy Cheek.
- Diana Davidova, PhD student, (informally) co-authored paper on Niho bent functions (supervisor: Lilya Budaghyan).
- Jozefien D'haeseleer, PhD student, (informally) co-authored paper on Cameron-Liebler sets (supervisor: Leo Storme).
- Himanshu Gupta, PhD thesis, (informally) co-authored paper on the least distortiion constant (supervisor: Sebastian M. Cioabă).
- Matt McGinnes, PhD thesis, (informally) co-supervised Ch. 2 of thesis (supervisor: Sebastian M. Cioabă).
- Organized the University of Regina Discrete Mathematics Research Group in Fall 2019. The group includes advanced undergraduate and graduate students.
Letters of Recommendation
I wrote letters of recommendation for the following people.
If successful, then I list the position.
- Semin Yoo. Position: Research Fellow at the Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS), 2021.
Scientific and Teaching Assistant
All at the JLU Giessen.
- Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen des mathematischen Schulstoffs II (Scientific Foundations of High-School Mathematics II), Albrecht Beutelspacher, SS 2016
- Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen des mathematischen Schulstoffs I (Scientific Foundations of High-School Mathematics I), Albrecht Beutelspacher, WS 2015/16
- Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen des mathematischen Schulstoffs II (Scientific Foundations of High-School Mathematics II), Albrecht Beutelspacher, SS 2015
- Algebra für Gymnasiallehramt (Algebra for Grammar School), Albrecht Beutelspacher, WS 2014/15
- Lineare Algebra 2 für Gymnasiallehramt (Linear Algebra 2 for Grammer School), Albrecht Beutelspacher, SS 2014
- Lineare Algebra 1 für Gymnasiallehramt (Linear Algebra 2 for Grammer School), Albrecht Beutelspacher, WS 2013/14
- Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen des mathematischen Schulstoffs IV (Scientific Foundations of High-School Mathematics IV), Albrecht Beutelspacher, SS 2013
- Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen des mathematischen Schulstoffs III (Scientific Foundations of High-School Mathematics III), Albrecht Beutelspacher, WS 2012/13
- Algebra für Gymnasiallehramtr (Algebra for Grammar School), Albrecht Beutelspacher, WS 2012/13
- Geometrie (Geometry), Albrecht Beutelspacher, SS 2012
Teaching Assistant
All at the JLU Giessen.
- Algebra, Klaus Metsch, WS 2011/12
- Lineare Algebra 2, Klaus Metsch, SS 2011
- Lineare Algebra 1, Klaus Metsch, WS 2010/11
- Lineare Algebra 2, Albrecht Beutelspacher, SS 2010
- Algebra für Gymnasiallehramt, Albrecht Beutelspacher, WS 2009/10
- Analytische Geometrie und Lineare Algebra 2, Albrecht Beutelspacher, SS 2009
- Analytische Geometrie und Lineare Algebra 1, Albrecht Beutelspacher, WS 2008/09